May, 1945. Hitler was dead, the Third Reich was little more than smoking rubble, and no GI wanted to be the last man killed in action against the Nazis. But for cigar-chewing, rough-talking, hard-drinking and hard-charging Lieutenant Jack Lee and his men, there was one more mission: rescue fourteen [...]
May, 1945. Hitler is dead, the Third Reich is little more than smoking rubble, and no GI wants to be the last man killed in action against the Nazis. The Last Battle tells the nearly unbelievable story of the unlikeliest battle of the war, when a small group of American tankers, led by Captain Lee,[...]
May 1945. Hitler is dead, and the Third Reich is little more than smoking rubble. No GI wants to be the last man killed in action against the Nazis. But for cigar-chewing, rough-talking, hard-drinking, hard-charging Captain Jack Lee and his men, there is one more mission: rescue fourteen prominent F[...]
Hvert år drar titusener av nordmenn til Liverpool. Likevel er det svært få av disse som vet at for tusen år siden var hele området rundt Liverpool, Wirrall-halvøya og West Lancashire, en blomstrende norrøn koloni. Nyere genforskning har påvist at hos menn fra gamle, lokale familier, er oppti[...]
Analytical ultracentrifugation has become an increasingly important technique for monitoring the size and shape of biological macromolecules. Analytical Ultracentrifugation: Techniques and Methods contains contributions from experts in the field, bringing together the multitude of developments that [...]