Offers constructive demonstrations of the possibilities of designing participative forms of organization. This work helps you learn such lessons as how companies can strengthen their competitive base by patient improvement, and how people with operative jobs can take command of their work situation [...]
This book is about how teams can keep value-driven product development together and focused in spite of complex organizational settings and changing brand values. Through good leadership, and good team spirit, large projects can maintain their dynamism if people "talk their walk" and thereby coprodu[...]
In this book we have tried to bring together a group of interesting Scandinavian accounting scholars in order to demonstrate what we are up to here.[...]
Alf Henrikson (1905-1995) var en musikalisk man, det märker alla som njuter av hans munrätta poesi och rytmiska prosa. I Sångbart skildras musikmiljön i hemstaden Huskvarna och vi följer honom som musik-skribent i bland annat Dagens Nyheter och som författare av sångtexter för scen och gramm[...]