This publication is the third book in the "European Procurement Law Series". The publications in the Series consider the current state of law in the EU and looks into the interpretation, implementation and practice in a range of Member States. An important part of the books is a comparative analysis[...]
Denne bog henvender sig navnlig til offentlige indkøbere, tilbudsgivere og deres tekniske, økonomiske og juridiske rådgivere.
Bogen er en dybdegående analyse af EU's udbudsregler med udgangspunkt i ligebehandlingsprincippet, der er det bærende retsprincip i EU's udbudsdirektiver. Fremst[...]
The distinction between in-house and ex-house providing is fundamental and well-known in practice and theory. It is of utmost importance as the consequence of the categorization of an arrangement as ´in-house´ is, that it falls outside of the scope of the EC public procurement rules. However, for [...]