This clearly written guide to the Stanislavski method has long been a favorite among students and teachers of acting. Now, in light of books and articles recently published in the Soviet Union, Sonia Moore has made revisions that include a new section on the subtext of a role. She provides detailed [...]
An Actora (TM)s Work on a Role is Konstantin Stanislavskya (TM)s classic exploration of the rehearsal process, applying the techniques of his seminal actor training system to the task of bringing life and truth to onea (TM)s role. Originally published over half a century ago as Creating a Role, this[...]
This is the classic lexicon of Stanislavski's most important concepts, all in the master's own words. Upon its publication in 1963, An Actor's Handbook quickly established itself as an essential guide for actors and directors. Culling key passages from Stanislavski's vast output, this book covers mo[...]
Stanislavski's 'system' has dominated actor-training in the West since his writings were first translated into English in the 1920s and 30s. His systematic attempt to outline a psycho-physical technique for acting single-handedly revolutionized standards of acting in the theatre. Until now, readers [...]
Stanislavski's 'system' has dominated actor-training in the West since his writings were first translated into English in the 1920s and 30s. His systematic attempt to outline a psycho-physical technique for acting single-handedly revolutionized standards of acting in the theatre. Until now, readers [...]
Kak rabotat nad rolju akteru, a nad spektaklem - rezhisseru? Kak akteru prijti k polnomu slijaniju s rolju? Kak ne "zaigrat" rol, ne poterjat najdennye njuansy pri kazhdom ocherednom ee ispolnenii? Trud "Rabota aktera nad rolju" velikogo mastera stseny K.S.Stanislavskogo daet otvety na vse eti vopro[...]
Bez «sistemy Stanislavskogo» nevozmozhno predstavit sovremennoe mirovoe teatralnoe iskusstvo. Eta stsenicheskaja teorija p segodnja lezhit v osnove prakticheskogo obuchenija akterov i rezhisserov pa Profilirujuschem kurse «masterstvo aktera» i «masterstvo rezhissera».V samom polnom, «kapi[...]
"Sistema Stanislavskogo" - teorija stsenicheskogo iskusstva i akterskogo masterstva, priznannaja masterami stseny vo vsem mire. Mnogie desjatiletija ona sostavljaet osnovu prakticheskogo obuchenija akterskomu i rezhisserskomu masterstvu.Osnovnye polozhenija svoego metoda velikij russkij rezhisser i [...]
Pered vami odno iz samykh znamenitykh i vostrebovannykh proizvedenij velikogo russkogo rezhissera, znamenitogo aktera, pedagoga i teatralnogo dejatelja K.S. Stanislavskogo "Rabota aktera nad soboj. Dnevnik uchenika". Etot trud na protjazhenii mnogikh desjatiletij javljaetsja nastolnoj knigoj ljubogo[...]