Socar Myles - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Socar Myles
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  1. Fantasy Art Drawing Skills: All the Art Techniques, Demonstrations, & Shortcuts You Need to Master Fantasy Art (Häftad)


    Socar Myles

    ISBN: 9780764147531 - UTGIVEN: 201203

    This self-teaching course instructs beginning and intermediate artists in methods for creating fantasy characters of all kinds, from the classic fairy princess, to witches, wizards, monsters, and aliens from outer space. As important as the fantasy characters themselves are the worlds where they liv[...]

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    från 169.00 kr
  2. Drawing for Fantasy Artists (Häftad)


    Socar Myles

    ISBN: 9781844487776 - UTGIVEN: 201202

    Fantasy art continues to be one of the most popular genres for people taking up art for the first time. This practical guide to drawing, suitable for absolute beginners, shows how to turn the workings of your imagination into art - to draw fantasy worlds, characters, and creatures, picking up essent[...]

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    från 136.00 kr