All practitioners start with the novice voyage involving excitement, intensity, anxiety, and challenge. A good beginning increases the chance for maximum professional functioning in later years. Becoming a Therapist explores the intense experiences of developing counselors, psychologists, and other [...]
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the professional development of counselors and therapists over the career lifespan. Drawing on their own extensive experience as psychotherapists, supervisors, teachers, and researchers, as well as from their own extensive study of the topic, previously[...]
Therapists and other helping professionals, such as teachers, doctors and nurses, social workers, and clergy, work in highly demanding fields and can suffer from burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary stress. This happens when they give more attention to their clients' well being than their own.[...]
"Skills and Strategies for the Helping Professions" is both easy to read and extremely comprehensive. The authors take an in-depth approach to skill development and provide a complete and through guide for beginning counselors. This text is practical in nature and gives the most up-to-date technique[...]
Hovedteksten i boka gir ei sammenhengende framstilling av verdens- og norgeshistoria. Etter hvert kapittel er det test deg selv-spørsmål og arbeidsoppgaver.[...]
Hovedteksten i boka gir ei sammenhengende framstilling av verdens- og norgeshistoria. Etter hvert kapittel er det test deg selv-spørsmål og arbeidsoppgaver.[...]
Læreboken gir en sammenhengende fremstilling av historien fra de første menneskene og frem til vår tid. Den dekker læreplanen for fellesfaget historie på studieforberedende utdanningsprogram.[...]