"Infographica" collects intriguing data from across the planet--for instance, the average lifespan of people living on each continent, the relative durations of the world's unmanned space probes, or the bite strength of the world's most dangerous predators--and presents it in stylish, inventive, and[...]
Infographica collects intriguing data from across our planet - including facial hair styles of famous dictators, the countries with the most McDonald's restaurants and the world's most expensive divorces - and presents it in stylish, memorable and original infographics.[...]
Who won gold in Olympic hot-air ballooning? Which sport has produced the most elected politicians? Which sports team has had the world's longest losing streak? Here's where you can find out. Sportographica blends sporting statistics from around the world with stylish and memorable infographics - inc[...]
Så här har du aldrig sett världen förut!
Med hjälp av banbrytande informationsgrafik på stora uppslag presenteras här olika slags fakta om världen på ett spännande, roligt och lättillgängligt sätt.
Författarna har samlat information från hela världen och present[...]