In the four years since Simon's Cat first leapt in to our lives he has stared in more than 15 films, appeared in three best-selling books and has entertained and delighted millions of fans across the world. Along the way he has swotted flies, pulled down Christmas trees, and generally terrorized his[...]
A brilliant new addition to the Simon's Cat series.
"Simon's Cat" is now bite-sized A pocket-sized collection of food-themed "Simon's Cat "cartoons, these adorable snapshots of life with a very demanding cat are selected from the first two "Simon's Cat "books, with 10 brand new cartoons. In full color for the very first time, the YouTube sensation i[...]
"Tofield's cartoons stand tall-hilarious, loving observations of a privileged and bossy housecat...What elevates Tofield's simple but expressive line drawings above the large litter of competing kitties is his keen grasp of cartoon physics and comedy cat antics. With a pitch-perfect pen, he captures[...]
Introducing the cat who just wants to be fed...
Simon Tofield returns with a charming follow-up to Simon's Cat.
Offers a collection of play-themed Simon's Cat cartoons.
A pocket-sized collection of sleep-themed Simon's Cat cartoons selected from the first three Simon's Cat books. In full colour and featuring a selection of brand new cartoons, Simon's Cat is back, only smaller, cheaper and cuter but as sleepy as ever.[...]
Alle kjenner en katt som SIMONS KATT: Bestemt og svært sulten. Tegnefilmene på YouTube av Simons Cat sjarmerer en hel verden, og nå kommer katten med sin første bok, så langt er videosnuttene lastet opp over 35 millioner ganger. For alle som en eller annen gang i livet har måttet forholde seg[...]
Humoristiske tegninger. Frontberetninger fra en plaget katteejers hjemlige slagmark
Simons katt är en gammal härlig bekantskap från boken med samma namn som utkom år 2009. Det är den busiga, finurliga, lekfulla och mycket påhittiga katten som nu kommer ut i en andra efterlängtad bok. Precis som den första är den helt utan text, bilderna säger desto mer.
Simon T[...]
Simonin ja kissan elämä menee uusiksi, kun Simon löytää pensaikosta laatikon, jonka sisällä on pieni kissanpentu. Pentu leikkii koirien kanssa, eikä ole vielä oppinut että hänen ystävänsä siilit ja lankakerä sopivat huonosti yhteen. Palkittu brittiläinen animaattori Simon Tofield alk[...]
Simonin eläväinen kissa ystävineen on ilahduttanut lukijoita ja katsojia jo vuodesta 2008, Youtubessa videoita on katsottu huikeat 230 miljoonaa kertaa! Tällä kertaa Simonin kissa koettelee omia ja maailmansa rajoja. Se kertoo lukijalle miten avata säilykepurkkeja (kaatamalla raskas esine niid[...]