Reptile Medicine has become significantly more sophisticated within the last decade, especially in anaesthesia, diagnostics, nutrition, surgery and therapeutics. With this in mind the eidtors have selected contributors whom they felt had superior expertise on a worldwide basis.
Correct hu[...]
Rabbit Medicine and Surgery for Veterinary Nurses incorporates everything you need to know about caring for rabbits in a highly accessible style. It is the first book devoted to the care of both sick and healthy rabbits from a nursing perspective.
This exciting book contains all of the most cruc[...]
"Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Pets" is the definitive reference book on the principles and practice of nursing exotic species. From rabbits and chinchillas to budgies and iguanas, it not only covers husbandry, nutrition and handling, but provides an overview of diseases and treatments, and explores [...]
Kauniita, kiehtovia ja hidasliikkeisiä maakilpikonnia on pidetty ihmisten seuralaisina satojen vuosien ajan. Tämä upeasti kuvitettu kirja antaa sinulle runsaasti tarpeellista tietoa maakilpikonnien hoidosta.* Oikean lajin valinta* Terraario* Ravinto* Sairauksien hoito* Lajien esittelyOppaan kirjo[...]