This book goes back a long way. There is a tradition of research and teaching in inelasticity at Stanford that goes back at least to Wilhelm Flugge ] and Erastus Lee. I joined the faculty in 1980, and shortly thereafter the Chairman of the Applied Mechanics Division, George Herrmann, asked me to pre[...]
Fresh translations of key texts, exhaustive coverage from Plato to Kant, and detailed commentary by expert scholars of philosophy add up to make this sourcebook the first and most comprehensive account of the history of the philosophy of mind. Published at a time when the philosophy of mind and phil[...]
Invisible Gardens is a composite history of the individuals and firms that defined the field of landscape architecture in America from 1925 to 1975, a period that spawned a significant body of work combining social ideas of enduring value with landscapes and gardens that forged a modern aesthetic. T[...]
A unified Bayesian treatment of the state-of-the-art filtering, smoothing, and parameter estimation algorithms for non-linear state space models.[...]
A unified Bayesian treatment of the state-of-the-art filtering, smoothing, and parameter estimation algorithms for non-linear state space models.[...]
Simo Hayha (1905 2002) is the most famous sniper in the world. During the Winter War fought between Russia and Finland in 1939 1940 he had 542 confirmed kills with iron sights, a record that still stands today. He has been a role model for snipers all over the world and paved the way for them by dem[...]
This book addresses the links between unemployment, precariousness work and health risks from various scientific frames of reference as well as those of policy-makers. The authors range from major classics in the field to newcomers from several countries presenting their research results. The author[...]
In teaching linear statistical models to first-year graduate students or to final-year undergraduate students there is no way to proceed smoothly without matrices and related concepts of linear algebra; their use is really essential. Our experience is that making some particular matrix tricks very f[...]
This is an unusual book because it contains a great deal of formulas. Hence it is a blend of monograph, textbook, and handbook.It is intended for students and researchers who need quick access to useful formulas appearing in the linear regression model and related matrix theory. This is not a regula[...]
Boka gir en systematisk innføring i filosofi. Første del tar for seg ulike syn på viten, vitenskap, forståelse og språk. Andre del tar for seg ulike normative, etiske teorier, fri vilje, samt hva som kjennetegner det menneskelige selvet. I siste del presenteres sentrale estetiske teorier, samt [...]
Boka gir en innføring i sentrale filosofiske problemer og posisjoner, og er spesialtilpasset SVEXPHIL 4,6 og 8 ved universitetet i Stavanger.[...]
Denne bog sætter en ny videnskabsteoretisk dagsorden for humaniora. Humaniora lever en udsat tilværelse, og en lang række aktører fra Dansk Industri til Europa Kommissionen har en holdning til, hvad humaniora er, kan og skal. Men de mange holdninger til humaniora hviler ofte på et misvisende og[...]
Simo Skinnari är verksam som lektor vid Pedagogiska institutionen vid Åbo universitet från år 1992. Skinnari doktorerade i pedagogik år 1989 vid Uleåborgs universitet i Finland. Han utnämndes år 1990 till docent i pedagogik (pedagogisk filosofi) vid Uleåborgs universitet och år 2003 till d[...]
Är förnuft och känsla båda lika viktiga när man bedömer kvalitet?
Intiassa, Keralassa puoliorpo tyttö näkee televisiossa vaalean suomalaispojan, joka elää lumen keskellä. Tyttö alkaa kuvitella, minkälaista olisi elää valkoisessa maisemassa. Ja äkkiä tapahtuu jotakin outoa: värit alkavat kadota vaatteista, huonekaluista, taloista, koko korttelista ja ky[...]
Maankuulu koomikko. Sörsselssön, Pornolaulun laulaja. Liukas Lätkä, SM-tason uimahyppääjä. Paakari. Venla-patsaan tekijä. Idealisti ja mies jolta puuttuu "vastaanpanemisen geeni".Elämäkerrassaan Simo Salminen kertoo ensihypystään Stadikalla, kondiittorimestarin roolista Suomi-Neuvostolii[...]
Kurssi käsittelee ekologista tutkimusta, biodiversiteettiä ja sen merkitystä sekä ekologisia ympäristöongelmia. Lisäksi luodaan katsaus Suomen luonnon ongelmiin ja kestävän tulevaisuuden rakentamiseen.[...]
Radiohupailijoiden ensimmäisen virallisen kirjan lukee Radiohupailijoiden ensimmäisen virallisen kirjan lukee herrakerho Frangén, Heikura ja Liikka[...]