Siegfried Sassoon - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Siegfried Sassoon
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  1. Jämför priser
    från 99.00 kr
  2. War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon (Häftad)

    ISBN: 9780486437156 - UTGIVEN: 2004-09

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    från 105.00 kr
  3. Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (Häftad)


    Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9780571064106 - UTGIVEN: 1974-02

    A fictionalised autobiography of the period between the spring of 1916 and the summer of 1917, in which the story moves from the trenches to the Fourth Army School, to Morlancourt and a raid, and then to the Battle of the Somme.[...]

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    från 156.00 kr
  4. The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston (Häftad)


    Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9780571099139 - UTGIVEN: 1980-05

    "The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston" includes "Sherston's Progress" and both "Memoirs,"

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    från 203.00 kr
  5. Collected Poems, 1908-56 (Storpocket)


    Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9780571132621 - UTGIVEN: 1998-01

    Sassoon's fame as a novelist and autobiographer, and the success of his posthumously published "Diaries," have somewhat obscured his achievement as a poet. Apart from the famous "War Poems" of 1919, which firmly established his reputation, he published eight volumes of verse during his lifetime. Thi[...]

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    från 244.00 kr



    ISBN: 9780571200283 - UTGIVEN: 1999-04

    An evocation of the Edwardian age that has remained in print since its publication in 1928. It was the first volume of a classic trilogy, completed by "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer" and "Sherston's Progress", that charted the destruction of the world for which Sassoon fought.[...]

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    från 61.00 kr
  7. The War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9780571240098 - UTGIVEN: 2013-05

    Siegfried Sassoon is one of the First World War poets whose poetry has defined a generation. He published most of his war poetry in "The Old Huntsman" (1917) and "Counter-Attack" (1918). Chronologically ordered, this collection of poems act as a timeline for the war, bringing to life the extraordina[...]

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    från 170.00 kr
  8. Siegfried Sassoon (Häftad)


    Jean Moorcroft Wilson

    ISBN: 9780715631218 - UTGIVEN: 2002-09

    The first volume of a biography which covers Sasson's life up to the end of the First World War. For her research the author used previously unseen private letters and papers.[...]

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    från 69.00 kr
  9. Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9780715633892 - UTGIVEN: 2013-10

    The definitive biography of one of the twentieth century's finest poets, Siegfried Sassoon combines material from The Making of a War Poet and The Journey from the Trenches, the two bestselling volumes on Sassoon from his biographer and foremost scholar, Jean Moorcroft Wilson. Encompassing the poet'[...]

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    från 316.00 kr
  10. Jämför priser
    från 0.00 kr
  11. Counter-Attack and Other Poems (Häftad)


    Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9781438524634 - UTGIVEN: 2009-09

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    från 161.00 kr
  12. Siegfried Sassoon: A Biography (Pocket)


    Max Egremont

    ISBN: 9781447243281 - UTGIVEN: 2013-10-10

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    från 181.00 kr
  13. Siegfried Sassoon

    ISBN: 9781782199120 - UTGIVEN: 2014-09

    Siegfried Sassoon is the greatest and most famous of all British war poets. Established as a writer of some merit before the Great War broke out, his near-suicidal acts of courage and defiance in the face of enemy fire earned him the Military Cross - and the nickname 'Mad Jack'. However, as the war[...]

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    från 0.00 kr