Two volumes of Colette's most beloved works, with a new Introduction by Judith Thurman.
"Cheri, together with "The Last of Cheri, is a classic story of a love affair between a very young man and a charming older woman. The amour between Fred Peloux, the beautiful gigolo known as Cheri, and the c[...]
Colette began writing "Break of Day" in her early fifties, at Saint-Tropez on the Cote d'Azur, where she had bought a small house after the breakup of her second marriage. The novel's theme--the renunciation of love and the return to an independent existence supported and enriched by the beauty and [...]
Det skulle gå nesten tyve år før Colette klarte å skrive noe om moren, etter hennes død. I denne boka trer mor-datterforholdet frem. Colette gjenskaper barndommens rike, og gjør sin familie levende for leseren. Men først og fremst er det moren Sido hun skriver om.[...]