In the sequel to Enchanted, Inc., Katie finds herself in deep trouble when her magical immunity goes awry and men begin falling at her feet, literally, but she begins to wonder whether she has really become irresistible, or it is the result of her stunning new red shoes. Original. 25,000 first print[...]
Everything's bigger in Texas including romance, magic, and danger Katie Chandler has fled fast-paced Manhattan and returned home to a simpler life, working at her family's feed-and-seed store in Cobb, Texas. In a painfully selfless gesture, Katie had left the sexy wizard Owen Palmer to battle his de[...]
Click your heels three times and say, "There's no place like Bloomies "Katie Chandler's life is pure magic literally. As an executive assistant at Magic, Spells, and Illusions, Inc., she's seen more than her share of fantastical occurrences. A mere Manhattan mortal, Katie is no wizard, but she's a w[...]