Explains how to develop the many different levels of being and details ways to achieve a greater balance and wholeness in life[...]
Famed therapists Hal and Sidra Stone show readers how to turn their relationships into true "joint ventures" - ones in which partners balance their need for relationship with their need for individuality, relinquish judgment and criticism, improve their decision-making and communication abilities, c[...]
Most people face challenging personal issues - in jobs, relationships, finances, and health. Traditional ways of living, working, and relating to one another and the environment often don't seem to work well, yet there are few effective models for change. Shakti Gawain shares the ideas and perspecti[...]
Shakti Gawain presents a new definition of prosperity, one that places importance on fulfillment of the heart and soul rather than on monetary gain. She dismantles the cause-and-effect relationship most people construct around money and happiness, without ignoring the important role money plays in o[...]
If embraced and followed, intuition can be an accurate force that permeates all facets of life. Shakti Gawain teaches readers how to tap their innate inner knowledge and use it to enhance their lives and attain their goals. Chapters explore the role of intuition in health, creativity, work, and pros[...]
Explains how to use mental imagery and affirmations to produce positive change, offering meditation suggestions and exercises designed to strengthen self-esteem, improve health, and promote relaxation. 50,000 first printing. Reprint.[...]
A companion to Creative Visualization details the practical technique of using mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive life changes, providing a series of exercises that describe specific images and direct the listener through the meditative process.[...]
In her first new book in 15 years, personal development pioneer Shakti Gawain encapsulates a lifetime of teaching and learning to offer her most trenchant and universal work to date. These exercises and insights have been tested and refined in the popular workshops Gawain has taught for decades. The[...]
Bringing one's personal life into alignment with the natural laws and universal principles is the great challenge for today's seekers. Information overload, a lack of time, and an inability to connect with essential spiritual teachings conspire to make the journey to consciousness a daunting one. In[...]
The newly revised and updated classic workbook which offers powerful effective techniques for positive change and growth.[...]
Vi er alle født med evnen til at handle intuitivt, men de fleste af os er opdraget til at ignorere vores intuitive følelser.
I Styrk intuitionen gør Shakti Gawain rede for, hvordan vi kan skærpe opmærksomheden over for intuitive impulser og på den måde udvikle intuit[...]
Luova visualisointi tarkoittaa luontaisen kuvittelukyvyn tietoista käyttöä. Se perustuu siihen luonnonlakiin, että jokaista tapahtumaa edeltää aina jokin ajatus tai mielikuva. Ajatuksistamme ja mielikuvistamme riippuu, millaisiksi elämämme tapahtumat muodostuvat.Luovan visualisoinnin avulla [...]
Den bästsäljande boken Kreativ visualisering handlar om konsten att använda den mentala föreställningsförmågan och affirmationer för att skapa en positiv förändring i ditt liv. Bokens övningar används idag mycket framgångsrikt av idrottsmän, inom områden som psykologi, hälsa, utbildn[...]
Äntligen! En mycket efterfrågad och efterlängtad bok av författaren till "Kreativ visualisering" och "Att leva i ljuset". En innerlig inspirationskälla med berikande verktyg för både själviakttagelse och personlig förändring. Du lär dig upprätthålla en stark kontakt med ditt andliga inn[...]
I den här omarbetade utgåvan av denna klassiker, tar Shakti Gawain upp hur medvetenheten om och acceptansen av våra skuggpersonligheter påverkar oss.
Alla föds vi med intuition men de flesta lär sig att bortförklara och ignorera den. Shakti Gawain visar oss hur vi kan bli mer medvetna om våra intuitiva impulser och känslan i magen.
Alla har någon gång haft en känsla av att helt enkelt bara "veta" om något är rätt eller fel, en kä[...]