An unsuccessful writer and an inveterate alcoholic, Boris Alikhanov has recently divorced his wife Tatyana, and he is running out of money. The prospect of a summer job as a tour guide at the Pushkin Hills Preserve offers him hope of regaining some balance in life as his wife makes plans to emigrate[...]
This book provides an introduction to Sergei Dovlatov (1941-90) that is closely attentive to the details of his life and work, their place in the history of Soviet society and literature, and of emigre culture during this turbulent period. A journalist, newspaper editor, and prose writer, Dovlatov i[...]
Written in Sergei Dovlatov's unique voice and unmatched style, "The Zone" is a satirical novelization of Dovlatov's time as a prison guard for the Soviet Army in the early 1960s. Snapshots of the prison are juxtaposed with the narrator's letters to Igor Markovich of Hermitage Press in which he urges[...]
An unsuccessful writer and an inveterate alcoholic, Boris Alikhanov has recently divorced his wife Tatyana, and he is running out of money. The prospect of a summer job as a tour guide at the Pushkin Hills Preserve offers him hope of regaining some balance in life as his wife makes plans to emigrate[...]
An unpublished writer and a chronic alcoholic, Boris Alikhanov is short of cash, at odds with the government and divorced from his wife Tatyana, who intends to emigrate to the West with their daughter Masha. The prospect of a summer job as a tourist guide at the Pushkin Hills preserve offers him hop[...]
Several years after emigrating from the USSR, the author discovers the battered suitcase he had brought with him gathering dust at the back of a wardrobe. As he opens the suitcase, the seemingly undistinguished items he finds inside take on a riotously funny life of their own as Dovlatov inventories[...]
Based on Dovlatov's actual experience of being a prison guard in Soviet Russia in the 1960s, and full of comic and humane detail, The Zone depicts the absurd day-to- day life of a camp in an insightful and unusual way, challenging commonly held perceptions of the relations between incarcerators and [...]
Meikäläiset seuraa Sergei Dovlatovin suvun tarinaa vallankumousajan Vladivostokista 80-luvun New Yorkiin. Teos ei ole tavanomainen sukukronikka vaan ennemminkin kirjallinen perhealbumi, sarja muotokuvia kirjailijan sukulaisista, joiden kohtaloissa heijastuu Venäjän ja Neuvostoliiton historia.Ser[...]
Vain yksi matkalaukku mukanaan Sergei Dovlatov lähtee Neuvostoliitosta. Asetuttuaan New Yorkiin hän työntää laukun kaappiin ja unohtaa sen. Vuosien päästä hän löytää laukun jälleen ja avaa sen: paljastuu omituinen kokoelma tarpeettomia esineitä. Mutta jokaisella niistä on tarina...Ser[...]