Scott A Shields - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Scott A Shields
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  1. Artists at Continent's End: The Monterey Peninsula Art Colony, 1875-1907 (Övrig)


    Scott A. Shields

    ISBN: 9780520247390 - UTGIVEN: 2006-04-17

    Few regions rival the magnificence of California's Monterey Peninsula. This beauty, together with a mild climate, rich history, and simplicity of lifestyle, encouraged the development of one of the nation's foremost art colonies. From 1875 to the first years of the twentieth century, artists were dr[...]

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    från 368.00 kr
  2. Edgar Payne the Scenic Journey (Inbunden)


    Scott A Shields

    ISBN: 9780764960536 - UTGIVEN: 201201

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    från 655.00 kr