Man is not ape. Dog is not wolf. From startling facts about its origins, to the fundamental reasons behind dog and man's unbreakable attachment, Clever Dog: Understand What Your Dog is Telling You explores the myths that so many pet owners have been led to believe - and forms conclusions as to how o[...]
Cats can't speak English, but you can learn how to speak cat! This book shows you how to: * Keep your cat happy and healthy * Teach your pet amazing tricks and games * Play safely with cats and kittens Step-by-step instructions make this an essential guide for [...]
Discover why he wags his tail, how he tells you he wants to play, and why he sniffs other dogs. Find out how you can talk to your pet so he'll respond in the way you want, from training him to sit and stay, to letting him know it's time for a walk. Learn new games for you and your dog to play togeth[...]
There is no such thing as a bad dog, only untrained owners. This innovative guide focuses on individual dog and owner fulfilment, teaching owners how to bond with and train their dog in a natural, positive way. There are sections on how dogs learn, factors affecting learning, team building exercise[...]
Kaupungissa asuva koira joutuu kohtaamaan monia haasteita. Sen on yleensä sopeuduttava pieneen elintilaan ja kestettävä häiritseviä näkymiä ja ääniä, liikennettä, ruuhkaa, ostoskeskuksia ja monenlaisia kulkuvälineitä. Tämä kirja auttaa valitsemaan ja kasvattamaan täydellisen citykoir[...]