In "Anatomy for the Artist" acclaimed artist and academic Sarah Simblet unveils the extraordinary construction of the human body and celebrates its continuing prominence in Western Art today. Using superb specially commissioned photographs of male and female models together with historical and conte[...]
In Anatomy for the Artist, acclaimed artist and academic Sarah Simblet unveils the construction of the extraordinary work of art that is the human body. The Human Frame Deconstructed: Illustrated with superb, specially commissioned photographs of male and female models, Part One systematically descr[...]
An inspirational guide to drawing plants An intimate understanding of botany will help any artist create vibrant and realistic art. Sarah Simblet's masterclass provides you with an awareness and appreciation of plants and flowers and shows how to apply that knowledge to your art. Covering every type[...]
Sarah Simblet avslører tegnekunstens hemmeligheter ved å kombinere praktisk veiledning med tegninger fra sin egen skissebok og fra velkjente kunstnere - Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Picasso, Paul Klee m.fl.Emner:Tegnebøker og papir, Arbeidsstilling og grep, Dyr, Planter og hager, Arkitektu[...]
Der findes efterhånden talrige indføringer i frihåndstegning, men kun få er så overdådigt illustreret som denne.
Tegnebogen er både en indføring og en inspirationsbog. Bogen er inddelt i korte afsnit, der hver omhandler forskellige typer af motiver. Der er afsnit om tegning af pla[...]