Deck your cats out in hats that suit their many personalities With The Punk Mohawk for edgier cats, The Unicorn for cats who are having identity issues, and The Cat in the Hat for any cat that loves great literature, there is a pattern in this book for every feline friend in your home. Complete wit[...]
Key Clinical Topics in Critical Care offers an indispensable and practical guide for exam revision and clinical practice. Written and edited by specialists with a wealth of clinical experience, this book provides rapid access to core topics in critical care. Each topic is written in a concise and ea[...]
Under de senaste årtiondena har problematiken kring ansvaret för omhändertagande av radioaktivt avfall från kärnkraftanläggningar blivit föremål för en allt intensivare debatt i Europa. Mängden högaktivt avfall från den europeiska kärnkraftsindustrin är ständigt ökande samtidigt som [...]