Ever since the Buddha's lifetime, people have been trying to express the ultimate meaning of Buddhism in a form that makes complete rational sense. The Prajnaparamita or "Perfection of Wisdom" teachings offer a giddying counterbalance to this exercise, and a sophisticated slap in the face to anyone [...]
Offering a description of the nature of mind and how it functions, this introduction to traditional Buddhist psychology guides readers through the Abhidharma classification of positive and negative mental states. The author was born in England, travelled to India as a young man, was ordained as a Bu[...]
In the West, Tibetan Buddhism has an exotic, even glamorous image - there are books about secret teachings, and films about mysterious lamas. But if Western Buddhists are to learn anything of real value, they must look beyond the merely exotic. The English author of this book has spent many years in[...]
Step into the magical, paradoxical world of a Mahayana Buddhist scripture. Mahayana Buddhism, to which the Zen and Tibetan traditions are related, emphasizes the ideal of the Bodhisattva, one who seeks to become Enlightened out of a compassionate desire to help all living beings. In the Vimalakirti-[...]
An indispensable study of the whole field of Buddhist thought and practice, placing its development in a historical context. Now in its ninth edition.
"The best survey of Buddhism."-- Dr Edward Conze[...]
To walk in the footsteps of the Buddha we need a clear and thorough guide to the essential principles of Buddhism. Whether we have just begun our journey or are a practitioner with more experience, What is the Dharma? is an indispensable exploration of the Buddha's teachings as found in the main Bud[...]
Imagine a world without beauty, myth, celebration or ritual. It seems that to feel fully and vibrantly alive, these experiences are essential to us--helping us to feel in touch with all levels of our being by engaging our emotions, senses and imagination. Devotional ritual also speaks this language [...]
In this commentary, Sangharakshita counsels against an over-narrow interpretation of mindfulness as being simply about developing a focused attention on the present moment.[...]
Growing the seed to happiness Kindness is one of the most basic qualities we can possess, and one of the most powerful. In Buddhism it is called metta - an opening of the heart to all that we meet. Any friendly feeling contains the kernel of metta. It is a seed that is waiting to be developed, right[...]
The teaching of the Buddha's Noble eightfold Path is explored in relation to every aspect of life - a treasury of wisdom and practical guidance. The reader is taken deeper than most introductions while always remaining practical, inspiring and accessible. This title is first in a new series: "Buddhi[...]
"The Sutra of Golden Light" has captured imaginations and ignited ideas for centuries but remains as mysterious as it is beautiful. With skill and clarity, Sangharakshita translates the images and episodes of the scripture providing an exploration filled with practical insights. Retaining the potent[...]
In this highly readable handbook, Sangharakshita guides the reader through the at times complex Buddhist tradition. Part one tackles the essentials of the religion in sections devoted to the Buddha, his teachings, and the spiritual community while part two tackles the practicalities of trying to lea[...]
Mindfulness is the means by which our consciousness is transformed, transcended, Enlightened. The Satipatthana Sutta is one of the Buddha's foremost discourses on mindfulness. In Living with Awareness, a commentary on this sutta, Sangharakshita counsels against an over-narrow interpretation of mindf[...]
Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the direct experience of who we are and what we can become. Its sole aim is to help us realize our potential for profound wisdom and unbounded compassion by transforming the energy locked in by old habits, fears and narrow views. For the Tantra this experience is b[...]
Författaren som är en av förgrundsgestalterna i västerländsk buddhism leder oss här in i ett möte med buddhismens metoder och ideal på ett enkelt och praktiskt sätt. Exempelvis tar han upp meditationens och den andliga gemenskapens betydelse.[...]
Vem är egentligen Buddha? Och vad innebär det att vara buddhist? I den här boken tar sig författaren an dessa frågor med djup kunskap och erfarenhet. Vi möter Buddha i hans historiska miljö, som en indisk prins som lämnade sitt priviligierade liv för att söka sanningen om existensen. Vi f�[...]
(baksidestext:) Buddhas lära har på många vis blivit en del av vår kultur, på senare år särskilt genom populariseringen av Mindfulness. Många läser böcker om Mindfulness och går kurser med olika tillämpningar av denna grundläggande buddhistiska praktik. Buddhismen har ett gott ans[...]
Den åttafaldiga vägen är kanske den mest välkända läran i Buddhas undervisning. Den utgör en unik källa av visdom och praktisk vägledning till livets alla aspekter. Vägen börjar med en vision, kanske en insikt i hur livet verkligen förhåller sig, kanske en upplevelse av livets skörhet [...]
Kirja sisältää kolme perinteistä buddhalaista tekstiä (sutraa), kuten Ydinsutran ja Timanttisutran, joiden aiheena on täydellinen viisaus. Sutratekstien lisäksi kirjassa selvitetään laajasti näiden tekstien taustaa, niiden sijoittumista buddhalaisuuden historiallisiin kehitysvaiheisiin, bu[...]
Sangharakshitan teos Kolme jalokiveä (suom. v. 1979) on jo pitkään ollut loppuunmyyty. Nyt se on jälleen saatavilla uutena, ajanmukaisena suomennoksena.Kolme jalokiveä on sekä vankka tietoteos, joka esittelee buddhalaisuuden keskeiset ihanteet ja periaatteet, että inspiraation lähde buddhadh[...]
Jalo kahdeksanosainen polku on tie vapauteen ja onneen, opetti historiallinen Buddha. Tässä kirjassa Sangharakshita opastaa lukijan tämän muinaisen opetuksen pariin ja näyttää, miten samaa jaloa polkua voi seurata myös keskellä nykymaailmaa. Sangharakshita korostaa, että henkinen elämä o[...]