This book takes stock of the development of EU criminal law from the establishment of the ECSC to the first European Union criminal law directives passed after the Lisbon Treaty. The work considers criminal offences established at EU level, the effects of EU law on national criminalization, the emer[...]
This book takes stock of the development of EU criminal law from the establishment of the ECSC to the first European Union criminal law directives passed after the Lisbon Treaty. The work considers criminal offences established at EU level, the effects of EU law on national criminalization, the emer[...]
The Sporting Exception in European Union Law is the definitive account of EU sports law. It provides a modern legal framework based on an analysis of major European Court of Justice judgments including Walrave (1974), Don...(1976), Bosman (1995), Deliege (2000), Lehtonen (2000), Kolpak (2003), Piau [...]
Suunnistuksen perusteet neuvova opasvihkonen maastossa liikkuville. Oppaassa käsitellään tasapuolisesti suunnistamista sekä GPS-laitteen että kompassin avulla. Sisältää ohjeet mm. suunnan ottoon ja suunnassa kulkemiseen, sijainnin syöttämiseen GPS-laitteeseen kartalta tai netistä sekä pe[...]