From recent reviews: The book contains detailed and fascinating investigations of the methods of the ancient historians of Greece and Rome for the light they are claimed to shed upon those of the New Testament writers. Whenever an ancient source is quoted, not only is an English translation given in[...]
Much of the Jesus scholarship has concentrated on the so-called self-identity of Jesus. However, due to the recent emphasis on the subjective perception and memory processes in the methodology of Jesus research, it is meaningful to re-conceptualize the question. The authors of this volume approach t[...]
KNT Kommentarer till Nya testamentet Lättläst och konsekvent
KNT förutsätter inga kunskaper i Bibelns grundspråk. Varje bibelbok ses i första hand som en helhet men delas upp i mindre avsnitt, s.k. perikoper, när den behandlas. Perikoperna kommenteras i tre avdelningar: