Explore the fascinating life cycle of the salmon, from river life to the big oceans and back to where they hatched, in this highly photographic information book by Sally Morgan. Follow the fish from their very early stages through their journey to adulthood, and find out how other creatures' journey[...]
Discover "Healing Spirits" by the nation's favourite psychic, Sally Morgan. When loved ones die, where do they go? Are they still with us? If so, can they see us, even hear us? How can we communicate with them? Sally Morgan, explores the process of grieving and the earth-shattering feeling that come[...]
This new series looks at the ways in which our planet and its inhabitants have been damaged by or are under threat from the consequences of human activity. The books take a positive approach in text and images, showing what is being done to repair damage and protect the environment for the future. T[...]
This is a natural history and identification guide to the most significant species, including swallowtails, hairstreaks, yellows, fritillaries, blues, skippers and tiger moths. It is an authoritative world reference to butterflies and moths in a variety of habitats, from rainforests and prairies to [...]
In 1982 Sally Morgan travelled to her grandmother's birthplace, Corunna Downs Station in Western Australia. She wants to trace the experiences of her childhood andolescence in Perth in the 1950's. Through memories and images, hints and echoes begin to emerge and another story unfolds - the mystery o[...]
The Smart Girl's Guide to Life is the essential guide to navigating the tricky and unexpected moments in life. Perfect for teen and 'tween' girls moving from primary to secondary school, this book is filled with practical and friendly advice about money, careers, boys and self-confidence.[...]
Min första djurencyklopedit är en överskådlig och uttömmande introduktion till djurens fantasiska värld. Läs om deras livsmiljöer, deras dagliga liv och deras ungar, och lär vad vi kan göra för att hjälpa dem överleva. Boken är utformad för att tillfredställa unga läsares aptit på [...]
Hvilken edderkop er den mest giftige? Er alle edderkopper giftige? Hvordan laver edderkopper deres spind? Hvilken edderkop er størst? Findes der edderkopper uden øjne? I bogen får du svaret på disse og mange flere spørgsmål. Bogen fortæller, hvordan de fascinerende dyr lever, ja[...]
New edition of the go-to reference to college admission Getting into college has never been more complicated or competitive. Parents and students need expert guidance to navigate the maze of college admissions. This thoroughly updated edition of Admission Matters is the best source, covering the[...]