Attention, Balance and Coordination is the most up-to-date handbook for professionals involved in education and child development, providing a new understanding of the source of specific behavioural problems. Written by a respected author of acclaimed titles in this field Explains why early reflexe[...]
Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults makes proven tests available for the first time to the health community at large, allowing practitioners to test for neuromotor immaturity and react accordingly. The text includes reproducible score sheets and observation sheets for clinicians to use in [...]
"Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning" is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice. The package includes tests for children, a developmental movement programme, and online access to INPP video trainin[...]
This book represents a milestone in our understanding of what we ? parents, professionals and politicians ? must do to ensure our children get the best start in life. What Babies and Children Really Need examines the crucial early years from a child's perspective. It draws on the latest scientific r[...]