Constructed around a series of late night conversations around a camp fire between Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Vasudev on an Island in the middle of a Western North Carolina lake near her mountain home, "Midnights with the Mystic" is the most thorough exposition of the teachings of India's most sough[...]
The persistent questions of seekers fill this book. It's all here - the pain, the confusion, the raging gut-level thirst, all that it means to be human and alive and wanting.[...]
"Mystic's Musings: A Profound Mystic of Our Times" is for someone willing to rise above the intellect and move towards knowledge through the wisdom of an enlightened master.[...]
In a milieu where life is seen as toil, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev opens an entirely new possibility - to play with life whichever way you want, to live life intensely but go through it unscarred.[...]