S. N. Goenka - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: S. N. Goenka
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  1. The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation: As Taught by S. N. Goenka (Häftad)


    William Hart

    ISBN: 9780060637248 - UTGIVEN: 200908

    The Ancient Meditation Technique that Brings Real Peace of MindVipassand-bhavand, "the development of insight," embodies the essence of the teaching of the Buddha. As taught by S. N. Goenka, this path to self-awareness is extraordinary in its simplicity, its lack of dogma and, above all, its results[...]

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    från 119.00 kr
  2. Discourse Summaries (Häftad)


    S. N. Goenka, William Hart

    ISBN: 9781928706090 - UTGIVEN: 200001

    The 11 discourses in this volume provide a broad overview of the teachings of Buddha to help meditators understand what to do and why, so they work in the proper way and achieve the proper results.[...]

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    från 89.00 kr
  3. Meditation Now (Häftad)


    S. N. Goenka

    ISBN: 9781928706236 - UTGIVEN: 200309

    Celebrated Vipassana meditation teacher S N Goenka interprets the Buddha's teachings in this collection of lectures, essays, and interviews. These writings provide insights into how one of the most influential contemporary Buddhist practitioners defines Vipassana and how he uses it to achieve peace [...]

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    från 106.00 kr
  4. The Art of Dying (Häftad)


    S. N. Goenka

    ISBN: 9781928706359 - UTGIVEN: 2014-03

    Weaving together material from many sources, this collection provides a context for understanding death--whether our own or a loved one's--and experiencing it with awareness and equanimity. It features passages from the Pali texts, writings of S. N. Goenka, poems, theoretical expositions, a question[...]

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    från 92.00 kr
  5. Chronicles of Dhamma: Selected Articles from the Vipassana Newsletter (Häftad)


    S. N. Goenka, Ian Heatherington

    ISBN: 9781928706465 - UTGIVEN: 2012-08

    This collection of articles from the Vipassana Newsletter provides unique insights into the history of Vipassana meditation as taught by S. N. Goenka from the time he left Burma in 1969 to go to India until the present. The newsletters also provide a vehicle to present the teachings of the Buddha, a[...]

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    från 185.00 kr
  6. Vipassana meditation : som den lärs ut av S. N. Goenka (Häftad)


    William Hart

    ISBN: 9789163359873 - UTGIVEN: 200911

    Vipassana betyder ?att se något som det är?. Det är en enkel och effektiv meditationsteknik som i stort sett vem som helst kan tillämpa. Vipassana kan beskrivas som en reningsprocess som löser upp spänningar och reaktionsmönster på den djupaste undermedvetna nivån. Metoden lärdes ut av Bud[...]

    Jämför priser
    från 234.00 kr