This book brings together essays by leading legal scholars from a number of European countries on European legal method(s). In Europe there is, and has for some years been, a seemingly renewed debate on methodology in legal research. In the first years of its existence EU law was generally perceived[...]
This book examines the extent to which it is possible to identify a coherent legal method (doctrine of the sources of law and their interpretation) that may be applied when analysing EU law and the law of EU Member States within the scope of application of EU law. It looks at what characterises the [...]
Få en grundlæggende viden om gældende EU-ret om fri bevægelighed.
Denne lærebog giver en fremstilling af principperne om, dynamikken i og hovedstrukturen af gældende EU-ret om fri bevægelighed. Den kan lidt forenklet siges at handle om EU´s økonomisk-juridiske forfatning.