To watch a child grieve and not know what to do is a profoundly difficult experience for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Yet, there are guidelines for helping children develop a lifelong, healthy response to loss.In When Children Grieve, the authors offer a cutting-edge volume to free children fr[...]
In October 2010 the authors became exclusive providers of grief- and grief-recovery-related content on a memorial website called, a site that receives approximately three million unique hits per month, and to which readers submit very personal and unique grief-related questions. Collect[...]
Building on theories utilized by the authors' Grief Recovery Institute, a guide to moving on from unsuccessful past relationships and forging healthy romantic bonds also makes recommendations on how to resolve conflicts in relationships. By the co-authors of Grief Recovery Handbook. Original.[...]
If you ve found yourself almost inconsolable after your pet died, please know that you re normal. If you ve found that your family and friends don t seem to understand the level of your grief, please know that, too, is normal. Without comparing our relationships with our pets to those with people, w[...]
A very specific guide to the actions that help grieving pet owners grieve and complete their relationship to the pain and unfinished emotional business caused by the death of a pet.[...]
"Tiden läker alla sår." "Var stark för barnens skull." "Livet går vidare." Klyschorna kring sörjandet är många, men inte verksamma. Så hur gör man då, när den man älskar gått bort eller försvunnit in i en annans famn?
Utifrån sina egna och andras erfarenheter belyser förf[...]
?Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden". ?Andere Mütter haben auch schöne Töchter." ?Das Leben geht weiter." Es gibt viele Klischees, die für Trauernde allerdings wenig hilfreich sind. Was soll man tun, wenn ein geliebter Mensch stirbt oder uns gar verlässt?Ausgehend von eigenen Erfahrungen und jener ande[...]
"Tiden heler alle sår". "Vær stærk for børnenes skyld". "Livet går videre". Klichéerne omkring sørgende er mange, men de virker ikke. Så hvad gør man, når den man elsker er død eller forsvundet i en andens favn?
Udfra egne og andres erfaringer belyser forfatterne hvad sorg er [...]
A survey of the scholastic debate on the divine Trinity in the period between Aquinas' earliest works and Ockham's death.[...]