What do we expect of gardens - when we make them and when we visit them? Could we get more from them, if we thought harder about what it is we want and why we make gardens? This book approaches the experience of being in a garden from many different angles, questioning many of our easily-adopted ass[...]
Stort billedrigt værk om alverdens haver
Vi mennesker har til alle tider over hele kloden interesseret os for at skabe vores eget private paradis â nemlig haven.
Men hvor stammer englændernes passion for blomster fra? Hvorfor minder islamiske haver om hinanden uanset[...]
Psychology is a fascinating subject that can inspire students; the opportunity to conduct individual research can be immensely rewarding. However, the prospect of getting to grips with designing research and analysing data can be daunting. This book has been written to show students that research me[...]