In conflicts around the world, there is an increasingly popular weapon system that needs negligible technology, is simple to sustain, has unlimited versatility, and an incredible capacity for both loyalty and barbarism. What are these cheap, renewable, plentiful, sophisticated, and expendable weapon[...]
A work that is part of a personal mission against the use of child soldiers, by the three-star general who commanded the UN mission in Rwanda.[...]
Thirteen months after Lt-Gen Romeo went to serve as force commander of the UN intervention in Rwanda in 1993, he flew home broken, disillusioned and suicidal, having witnessed the slaughter of 800,000 Rwandans. This book takes us on a return voyage into the hell of Rwanda, recreating the events the [...]
As the leader of the ill-fated United Nations peacekeeping force in Rwanda, Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire came face-to-face with the horrifying reality of child soldiers during the genocide of 1994. Since then the incidence of child soldiers has proliferated in conflicts around the world: they a[...]