This title shows how market leaders from Disney to Nike successfully target human emotions - and how other companies can join them. "The Dream Society" reveals the future of business after the Information Age, a future in which the story behind the product will provide the competitive edge. It provi[...]
This is bold new vision for the future of business, from the bestselling author of the Dream Society. This is a book about the future. Your future. Our future. The future of companies,the marketplace, and society. According to futurists Rolf Jensen and Mika Aaltonen, we are currently "between dreams[...]
Porten til fremtiden gør op med kortsigtethed og demonstrerer, at der med en horisont på 10-15 år opstår et rum for visioner, nytænkning og kreativitet. Forfatterne stiller skarpt på dansk erhvervslivs og samfundets manglende fokus på fremtiden, men præsenterer samtidig en ny[...]
Mitä tapahtuu, kun Mr ja Mrs Future lähtevät etsimään vastauksia viiteen suureen tulevaisuutta koskevaan kysymykseen? Mitkä viisikymmentä ihmisille ja yrityksille ratkaisevaa globaalia trendiä ja muutosta he löytävät? Entä millaisia mahdollisuuksia muuttuva maailma voi tarjota? Tarina te[...]
In 1876 Rolf Johnson and his family left Illinois for Phelps County, Nebraska. There they faced the challenges of pioneering on the Great Plains: digging wells, building sod houses, ploughing and planting crops, and fighting prairie fires. Johnson's diary goes beyond individual conquest, however, an[...]