Say your name aloud to yourself in a quiet room. Imagine peeling an apple in your mind. Take the subway without trying to get anywhere. The simple meditations in this book have the potential to shake us awake from our preconceived certainties: our own identity, the stability of the outside world, th[...]
A reassessment of our daily engagement with life. Droit invites us to reconsider ordinary actions as unexpected philosophical events. Peeling an apple, watching someone sleep, activities that when considered outside of their routine, invite us to experience the familiar in different ways.[...]
During the course of one year the author assigned himself an adventure: to keep a cross-border record of his meetings with unremarkable things: sunglasses, an alarm clock, a chest of drawers, a train ticket, a statue, a wheelbarrow, a bottle-opener... This book is the diary of that quest.[...]
Lapset kyselevät luonnostaan - kuten filosofit. Filosofoiminen ei ole vuosilukuja vaan yhteisten ongelmien pohdintaa. Roger-Pol Droit opastaa filosofiseen dialogiin lasten kanssa - ei raskaita käsitteitä ja filosofian taustaopintoja, vaan ihmisen olemisen ja tietämisen mahdollisuuksien kunnioitu[...]