Our planet hosts over a million islands. From Britain to Japan, Mauritius to Manhattan, they are small living geological, biological and cultural laboratories. Ranging from the ancient continents to the accretions of an ocean sandbank, they can lie in the sea, in a river, in a lake. Some are entire [...]
From the earliest scratches on stone and bone to the languages of computers and the Internet, this book offers an investigation into the origin and development of writing throughout the world. Commencing with the first stages of information storage - knot records, pebble counters, tally sticks, and [...]
Var och en av oss hamnar ibland i förhandlingssituationer där vi har anledning att fundera över vårt eget beteende. Kunde vi ha agerat annorlunda så att förhandlingen hade slutat på ett bättre sätt för alla inblandade? Den som känner igen denna situation har stor glädje av den här boken[...]
This is a common sense guide to maintaining and repairing all types of cooling and refrigeration units.[...]