Rod Johnson - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Rod Johnson
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  1. Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (Häftad)


    Rod Johnson

    ISBN: 9780764543852 - UTGIVEN: 200210

    What is this book about? The results of using J2EE in practice are often disappointing: applications are often slow, unduly complex, and take too long to develop. Rod Johnson believes that the problem lies not in J2EE itself, but in that it is often used badly. Many J2EE publications advocate approa[...]

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    från 384.00 kr
  2. Pro EJB 3: Java Persistence API (Häftad)


    Mike Keith, Merrick Schincariol, Rod Johnson

    ISBN: 9781590596456 - UTGIVEN: 200604

    EJB 3.0 sets a precedent. It has made huge advances in ease of development, and its drastically simplified programming model has been widely acclaimed. Mike Keith, EJB 3.0 co-specification lead, and Merrick Schinariol, reviewer of EJB 3.0, offer unparalleled insight and expertise on the EJB 3.0 pers[...]

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    från 410.00 kr