Robin Walz - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Robin Walz
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  1. Pulp Surrealism: Insolent Popular Culture in Early Twentieth-Century Paris (Övrig)


    Robin Walz

    ISBN: 9780520216198 - UTGIVEN: 2000-03-14

    In addition to its more well known literary and artistic origins, the French surrealist movement drew inspiration from currents of psychological anxiety and rebellion running through a shadowy side of mass culture, specifically in fantastic popular fiction and sensationalistic journalism. The provoc[...]

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    från 447.00 kr
  2. Modernism (Pocket)


    Robin Walz

    ISBN: 9781408264492 - UTGIVEN: 2012-11-22

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    från 244.00 kr