In Economic Justice and Democracy Robin Hahnel argues that progressives need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how they conceive of economic justice and economic democracy. He presents a coherent set of economic institutions and procedures that can deliver economic justice and democracy th[...]
With the near bankruptcy of centrally planned economies now apparent and with capitalism seemingly incapable of generating egalitarian outcomes in the first world and economic development in the third world, alternative approaches to managing economic affairs are an urgent necessity. Until now, howe[...]
The ABCs of Political Economy is an accessible introduction to modern political economy. While informed by the work of Marx, Keynes, Veblen, Kalecki and other great political economists, Robin Hahnel teaches the reader the essential tools necessary to understand economic issues today from a modern [...]
This revised edition of ABCs is a lively and accessible introduction to modern political economy. Informed by the work of Marx, Veblen, Kalecki, Robinson, Minsky and other great political economists, Robin Hahnel provides the essential tools needed to understand economic issues today. Dispelling myt[...]
Vaihtoehto nykyiselle talousjärjestelmälleHyvinvointivaltiot ovat taanneet ennennäkemättömän tasavertaista kehitystä ja hyvinvointia kansalaisilleen, mutta hyvinvointirakenteita ollaan vauhdilla purkamassa. On pohdittava uudestaan, miten ymmärrämme taloudellisen oikeudenmukaisuuden, vapaude[...]