Spanning three centuries of history and narrated from both perspectives, a witty study of the love-hate relationship between Britain and France ranges from the reign of King Louis XIV to the present day and captures the complex cultural, economic, social, and political influences that have shaped th[...]
From Blenheim and Waterloo to 'Up Yours, Delors' and 'Hop Off You Frogs', the cross-Channel relationship has been one of rivalry and suspicion. This book tells the complex story of the relationship, from the beginning of the great struggle for mastery during the reign of Louis XIV to the second Iraq[...]
In The English and their History, the first full-length account to appear in one volume for many decades, Robert Tombs gives us the history of the English people, and of how the stories they have told about themselves have shaped them, from the prehistoric 'dreamtime' through to the present day. If [...]
In The English and their History, the first full-length account to appear in one volume for many decades, Robert Tombs gives us the history of the English people, and of how the stories they have told about themselves have shaped them, from the prehistoric 'dreamtime' through to the present day. If [...]