Robert Swindells - Bookify - Vi prisjämför böcker
Sökresultat för: Robert Swindells
Visar Resultat (1-25)
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  1. Stone Cold (Pocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780140362510 - UTGIVEN: 199505

    Winner of the 1994 Carnegie Medal.

    Link, 17 years old and driven from his parental home, has drifted to London, jobless and friendless. He meets Deb, a homeless girl, who gives him some meaning in life. He doesn't realize that Deb is a journalist hunting a serial killer who preys on t[...]

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    från 69.00 kr
  2. Brother in the Land (Pocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780198320845 - UTGIVEN: 2004-07-01

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    från 127.00 kr
  3. Rollercoasters: Abomination Reader (Pocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780198326779 - UTGIVEN: 2007-05-31

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    från 0.00 kr
  4. Psychotherapy in an Age of Narcissism (Inbunden)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780230336964 - UTGIVEN: 201211

    Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder are subjects of great interest in contemporary society. The modern world, with its strongly individualistic values, encourages people to focus on themselves. Psychotherapy, although used to treat narcissism, is influenced by the same values, and runs [...]

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    från 1139.00 kr
  5. Stone Cold (Inbunden)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780435124687 - UTGIVEN: 199706

    One of a series offering classic and contemporary writing for schools to suit a range of ages and tastes. Suitable for study at GCSE level, this novel contains scenes which may be disturbing for younger readers.[...]

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    från 148.00 kr
  6. Ruby Tanya (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780440863984 - UTGIVEN: 200502

    This is a contemporary tale about two friends - one of whom, Asra, is an asylum seeker from an unnamed Eastern European country. The other, Ruby Tanya, is the daughter of a local man who is campaigning against the presence of asylum seekers in his community. During a dramatic explosion at the girls'[...]

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    från 92.00 kr
  7. Room 13 (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780440864653 - UTGIVEN: 199010

    There is no room thirteen in the creepy Crow's Nest Hotel, where Fliss and her friends are staying on a school trip. Or is there? For at the stroke of midnight, something peculiar happens to the door of the linen cupboard next to room l2. And something is happening to Ellie-May Sunderland, too - som[...]

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    från 69.00 kr
  8. In the Nick of Time (Storpocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780552555852 - UTGIVEN: 200701

    Charlotte is out in the woods on her own one day when something mysterious happens - she walks along a row of stones laid like stepping stones on the forest floor...and finds herself in another age. She has somehow slipped back to 1955, and is now, in the same woods, on the site of a very unique sch[...]

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    från 69.00 kr
  9. Abomination (Storpocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780552555883 - UTGIVEN: 200701

    Martha is twelve - and very different from other kids, because of her parents. Strict members of a religious group - the Brethren - their rules dominate Martha's life. And one rule is the most important of all: she must never ever invite anyone home. If she does, their shameful secret - Abomination [...]

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    från 76.00 kr
  10. Shrapnel (Storpocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9780552559300 - UTGIVEN: 200901

    It's the height of World War Two. Britain is being ravaged by bombs and most young men are off fighting. Gordon wishes he was too. Maybe then he wouldn't get bullied for having a cowardly family ...Gordon's dad didn't serve in World War One, and now his older brother Raymond isn't serving in World W[...]

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    från 106.00 kr
  11. Daz 4 Zoe (Inbunden)


    Robert Swindells, Andrew Bennett, Jim Taylor, Gavin Jones

    ISBN: 9780582434486 - UTGIVEN: 2000-08-25

    In the not-so-distant future, two teenagers are divided by where they live - one in poverty, one in wealth. This edition is part of a series of pre- and post-1914 works chosen especially for 14-18 year olds. The series features fiction, anthologies, poetry, plays and non-fiction.[...]

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    från 134.00 kr
  12. Branded (Inbunden)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781405828475 - UTGIVEN: 200703

    A powerful, gripping and poignant novel about adolescence and injustice from the bestselling author of Stone Cold.[...]

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    från 139.00 kr
  13. A Midsummer Night's Dream (Pocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781408104361 - UTGIVEN: 2009-05-01

    Theseus, the neighbourhood tycoon is getting married, Bottom and his mates are roped into putting on a play for the wedding and there are young lovers with problems to resolve first. Nothing's easy - and even less so when there is magic and mischief in the mix![...]

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    från 61.00 kr
  14. Henry V (Pocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781408123966 - UTGIVEN: 2010-07-01

    Battles and scenes of warfare are never far from the young King Henry. This retelling brings to life the tumultuous struggle of the heroic young monarch as he fights to protect his kingdom and his life.[...]

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    från 61.00 kr
  15. Trick or Treat (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781781121184 - UTGIVEN: 2012-09

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    från 79.00 kr
  16. Trick or Treat (Inbunden)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781781121191 - UTGIVEN: 2012-09

    Harley's got to take his kid brother and sister trick or treating. When he's not looking, they go missing. And when he finds them, something's happened. They're different. They want to play. But there are no rules to this game.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  17. The Deep End (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781781121894 - UTGIVEN: 201301

    Jake's sister Lisa has a chance at Olympic glory in the swimming pool - or she did, until the council decide to close the local baths! Could a protest change their minds? Lisa's hopes of qualifying for the Olympics are dashed by the closure of the local swimming baths, but her boyfriend has [...]

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    från 79.00 kr
  18. Just a Bit of Fun (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781781124536 - UTGIVEN: 2015-01

    Spooky Halloween thriller. Harley has to take his little brother and sister out trick-or-treating on Halloween. When he's not looking, they go missing. And when he finds them, something's happened. They're different. They want to play, but there are no rules to this game...So much for Halloween bein[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  19. Snapshot (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781842993477 - UTGIVEN: 200509

    At the top is Mark Byrne and his gang. They've been hunting Alex for a while - today they're going to bring him down...Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]

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    från 63.00 kr
  20. Snakebite (Storpocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781842994153 - UTGIVEN: 200607

    Alex's estate is a concrete jungle, survival of the fittest and Alex is way down the food chain. Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  21. Burnout (Storpocket)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781842994634 - UTGIVEN: 200704

    Josh only feels alive when starting fires. Dragged ever deeper into the power and the destruction, how far is he willing to go? This is a dark, enthralling cautionary tale. Barrington Stoke specialises in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  22. The First Hunter (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781842996980 - UTGIVEN: 200906

    Tan's tribe must steal meat like jackals to live. Scavenging's dangerous, but they have no other way to get food. Until the tribe's idiot hanger-on invents a new game...Prehistoric adventure. Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]

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    från 50.00 kr
  23. Just a Bit of Fun (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781842997116 - UTGIVEN: 200909

    Harley takes his brother and sister trick-or-treating. But something lures him away from them - something takes them over, body and soul. And soon Hallowe'en isn't fun any more...Spooky tale Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers.[...]

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    från 0.00 kr
  24. Dan's War (Häftad)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9781842997680 - UTGIVEN: 201207

    Dan Langley may be too young to fight in the war - but he's not too young to take down the enemy! Second World War thriller from a Carnegie Medal- winning author. It's WWII and Dan Langley is stuck working in General Winton's garden instead of fighting in the trenches. When Dan begins to notice [...]

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    från 69.00 kr
  25. Abomination (CD-bok)


    Robert Swindells

    ISBN: 9783125780316 - UTGIVEN: 2007-08

    Marthas Eltern gehören einer Sekte an. Das hat verheerende Auswirkungen auf ihre Kindheit: kein Fernsehen, kein PC, keine coolen Klamotten. In der Schule ist sie das Gespött ihrer Kameraden. Aber das Schlimmste: Niemand darf sie zu Hause besuchen, denn im Keller ist ein furchtbares Familiengehe[...]

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    från 0.00 kr