California and the Western States are rich in abundant and diverse species of mushrooms. Amateur mushroom collectors and mycologists alike will find over 300 species of the region's most common, distinctive, and ecologically important mushrooms profiled in this comprehensive field guide. It provides[...]
California and the Western States are rich in abundant and diverse species of mushrooms. Amateur mushroom collectors and mycologists alike will find over 300 species of the region's most common, distinctive, and ecologically important mushrooms profiled in this comprehensive field guide. It provides[...]
Auf Befehl Heinrich Himmlers wurden ab 1942 in fast allen groA en Konzentrationslagern der Nazis Bordelle fur Haftlinge eingerichtet. Haftlingsfrauen aus den KZ Ravensbruck und Auschwitz wurden mit falschen Versprechungen in die Bordellkommandos gelockt oder von der SS fur diese selektiert. Die vorl[...]