In this brilliant and widely acclaimed book, winner of the 1975 National Book Award, Robert Nozick challenges the most commonly held political and social positions of our ageliberal, socialist, and conservative..[...]
Robert Nozicka s Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a powerful, philosophical challenge to the most widely held political and social positions of our age ---- liberal, socialist and conservative. "Individuals have rights," Nozick writes in his opening sentence, "and there are things no person or group m[...]
An original work from a preeminent professor of philosophy at Harvard University, in which happiness, dying, creativity, religious faith, sexuality, good and evil, the ideal and the real, are explored in the grand Socratic tradition. Now in paperback, this bestseller will appeal to anyone concerned [...]
In "Invariances" Robert Nozick rethinks and transforms the concepts of truth, objectivity, necessity, contingency, consciousness and ethics. He presents bold philosophical theories that take account of scientific advances in physics, evolutionary biology, economics and cognitive neuroscience, and ca[...]
In this highly original work, Robert Nozick develops new views on philosophy's central topics and weaves them into a unified philosophical perspective. It is many years since a major work in English has ranged so widely over philosophy's fundamental concerns: the identity of the self, knowledge and [...]
aeo This is the first full--length study of Nozicka s political philosophy as presented in his important and influential work Anarchy, State and Utopia. aeo The author compares Nozicka s views at each stage with those of his contemporary allies and opponents.[...]
In 1974, Robert Nozick's book Anarchy, State, and Utopia moved libertarianism from a relatively neglected subset of political philosophy to the center of the discipline, as one of the most cogent critiques of social democracy and egalitarian liberalism.Nozick developed a rights-based account of libe[...]
Varför är intellektuella så kritiska mot kapitalismen? Intellektuella som arbetar med ord har det bra i kapitalistiska samhällen. De är fria att formulera sina idéer, att sprida dem och diskutera dem utan att riskera förföljelse. Trots det är de ofta fientligt inställda till marknadsekonom[...]
Wolff sammanfattar på ett utmärkt sätt bokens huvudargument och den debatt dessa har gett upphov till. Diskussionen är kritiskt hållen, men han tar hela tiden bokens argument på allvar och hemfaller inte åt ytlig polemik. ... Boken passar utmärkt i undervisning på universitetsnivå i politi[...]
I boken ifrågasätts bilden av en samlad och systematiskt uppbyggd nyliberal politisk filosofi. De stora namnens teorier analyseras ur ett idéhistoriskt perspektiv.