Contains literal word-for-word English rendering of the Greek text in interlinear form.
Becoming an elite sniper involves more than learning how to shoot. Snipers need to know how to judge terrain, wind, and sometimes even the curve of the Earth. They train their eyes to spot enemy movement in the distance and to never hesitate. A sniper is more that a finger behind a trigger; he is a [...]
"Recreating First Contact" explores themes related to the proliferation of adventure travel which emerged during the early twentieth century and that were legitimized by their associations with popular views of anthropology. During this period, new transport and recording technologies, particularly [...]
HÄR SAMLAS SJUTTON science fiction-noveller. Korta och långa. Humoristiska och dystra. Allvarliga, provocerande och filosofiska. Frågor ställs på ända och ideologier dras till sin spets. Vad skulle kunna hänt och vad kan hända? Vad gör en människa till människa? Hur mycket ska staten få [...]