Jesse James was a fabled outlaw, a charismatic, spiritual, larger-than-life bad man whose bloody exploits captured the imagination and admiration of a nation hungry for antiheroes. Robert Ford was a young upstart torn between dedicated worship and murderous jealousy, the "dirty little coward" who co[...]
The definitive account of modern golf's foremost architect from the "New York Times "bestselling author of "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong "
Robert Trent Jones was the most prolific and influential golf course architect of the twentieth century and became the archetypical modern golf [...]
Discusses the concepts, methodology, and technology that makes XSS a valid concern. This book explains various types of XSS attacks, how they are implemented, used, and abused. It provides examples of XSS malware and demonstrates real cases where XSS is a dangerous risk that exposes internet users t[...]
Now in an completely revised, updated, and enlarged Second Edition, Small Antennas in Portable Devices reviews recent significant theoretical and practical developments in the electrically small antenna area.[...]
Magnetic methods are widely used in exploration, engineering, borehole and global geophysics. This book covers the physical and mathematical principles of these methods regardless of the area of application. It analyzes Ampere's law the force of interaction between currents.[...]
Written by a leading authority in the field, Phased Array Antennas provides an in-depth treatment of array phenomena and all aspects of phased array analysis and design, with a new emphasis on developments in the field over the last 10 years. A valuable resource for antenna design engineers, radar[...]
Written primarily for those responsible for the reliability of equipment and the production operation, this innovative book centers on developing and measuring true Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The author demonstrates that true OEE correlates with factory output, provides a methodology to [...]
Hjelper til hovedboka Moderne makroøkonomi. Boka er en komplett studieguide og inneholder oppgaver og løsningsforslag. Dessuten inneholder kapitlene fordypningsbokser og hint om viktige forhold som erfaringsmessig kan være en utfordring for studenter.[...]
Oppgaver og løsninger i Mikroøkonomi Denne oppgavesamlingen er rettet mot studenter som følger innføringskurs i mikroøkonomi på høyskole- og universitetsnivå. Innenfor hvert av emnene er det lagt vekt på bredde og variasjon i vanskelighetsgrad. Videre er det lagt vekt på å gi utfyllende l[...]
Created in co-operation with Florence's Fine Arts and Historic Works Commission and museum directors, this title provides readers an introduction to some of the city's finest museums and art collections.[...]