Long considered the masters of counterinsurgency, the British military encountered significant problems in Iraq and Afghanistan when confronted with insurgent violence. In their effort to apply the principles and doctrines of past campaigns, they failed to prevent Basra and Helmand from descending i[...]
This book explores the impact of different civil-military structures on operational effectiveness in complex peace operations. Recent operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia are examples of grand failures to enforce peace and to promote democracy and development through international interventio[...]
In October 2000, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1325 which reaffirmed the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts as well as in post-conflict reconstruction. Since the resolution was passed, the Swedish Armed Forces have gone through an impressive[...]
"Fredssoldater" är temat för Armémuseums årsbok, en extra stor volym för de två åren 2008/2009.
Lång väntan där ingenting händer och hjälpande insatser i svårt härjade krigsområden är olika sidor av en fredssoldats uppdrag.
På Försvarsmaktens hemsida sägs det[...]