The films of the late French filmmaker Robert Bresson, once thought formidable both because of the somberness of their subject matter and the austerity of the filmmaker's style, have in the last decade found a new audience. In part, this is owing to the rarely acknowledged but profound influence his[...]
Challenging the prevailing notion among cinephiles that the auteur is an isolated genius interested primarily in individualism, Colin Burnett positions Robert Bresson as one whose life's work confronts the cultural forces that helped shape it. Regarded as one of film history's most elusive figures, [...]
A richly illustrated retrospective of the critically acclaimed work of the master photographer honors the ninety-fifth birthday of Cartier-Bresson with a collection of some of his finest works, representing all periods of his life, along with a selection of drawings, paintings, film stills, and prev[...]
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-s[...]
Drawing together more than 30 articles by leading critics and scholars, interviews and commentaries by important contemporary filmmakers, and a recent symposium on the director, Robert Bresson (Revised) is an invaluable resource for better understanding the beauty of Bresson's singular body of work.[...]
Robert Bresson (1907-1999) är utan tvekan en av de mest särpräglade regissörerna i filmens historia, och hans Anteckningar om cinematografin är en oumbärlig bok för den som vill förstå filmkonsten. Denna bok samlar anteckningar från nästan fyrtio års arbete med film. Det är aforisme[...]
Filmaren, filmforskaren och den jungianska psykoanalytikern Ingela Romare är en av de få som haft förmånen att besöka den legendariske Robert Bresson i hans ateljé i Paris. Efter att ha läst hans skrift Anteckningar om cinematografin sökte hon upp Bresson som genom åren varit ytterst sp[...]
Magnum Photos, founded in 1947 by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Georges Rodger, David "Chim" Seymour and Bill Vandivert, is one of the most famous photography agencies in the world.Until recently, an exhibition curated by L. Fritz Gruber for the 1956 Photokina in Cologne was considered the ear[...]