Inventor, businessman, playboy...Super Hero! Gravely injured in combat, billionaire genius Tony Stark saved his own life by designing a life-sustaining shell - the high-tech protective covering that transformed him into the invincible Iron Man! Now, the world believes him to be Tony Stark's personal[...]
The sound of thunder echoed far and wide when Thor entered the Marvel Universe, facing an array of enemies - from the past and the future, from under the earth and beyond the stars, from distant dictatorships and organized crime! But wherever Thor walks or flies, Loki is never far behind, scheming a[...]
This title is written by Jerry Siegel, Otto Binder, Edmond Hamilton and various. It includes art by Curt Swan, George Papp, John Forte and various. It features a cover by Swan & Stan Kaye. A massive black-and-white volume collecting classic tales of the Legionnaires, from "Adventure Comics" numbered[...]
In this bold book Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein vividly describe how geniuses, from Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman to e. e. cummings and Isabel Allende, use a common tool box of mental skills to create new ideas and expressions in every area of the arts and sciences. The authors as[...]
Comprehensive Pocket Atlas of Hysteroscopy is an essential resource providing basic techniques involved in diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy for practicing clinicians and students. This informative and visually appealing guide also provides an overview of the common pathology captured by hundred[...]