Rick Parker and Stefan Petrucha, the team behind the hit "Tales from the Crypt" Number 8, get together again, this time taking on Harry Potter! Following the killing of their mentor Dumb-As-A-Door by the seemingly traitorous Barista Frappe; Harry Potty, Don Measley and Whiny Stranger must find a way[...]
The fourth "Twilight Saga" film gets sliced up in this unauthorized parody of the blockbuster book and movie series! For fans sick of shiny vampires and wonky werewolves, here's an hilarious antidote.[...]
Half human, half brand-name, Percy Jerkson and his pals Rover and Bananabreath eat only natural dairy foods, making them Ovolactovegetarians. But evil forces wish to destroy them so the world will only have junk food. Now the half-wits must battle the army of fast food giant McKronos and his legion [...]