White Wolves Non-fiction is an engaging series covering a wide range of topics at different reading levels. It has been created to appeal to children, reflecting the range of texts in the real world, from guidebooks to cookbooks. This series is ideal for topic libraries, and for teaching literacy[...]
Artikkelsamlinga forsøker å belyse problemfeltet tverrfaglighet fra flere vinkler og drøfter hva det innebærer å være problemorientert eller å bevege seg "på tvers" av de tradisjonelle fagdisiplinene. Litteraturliste til hver artikkel.[...]
Kan solenergi være med og erstatte olje, kull og gass i fremtiden? Hvor effektiv er den, sammenliknet med andre fornybare energikilder?[...]
Kan vindkraft være med og erstatte olje, kull og gass i fremtiden? Hvor effektiv er den, sammenliknet med andre fornybare energikilder?[...]
Vannkraft står for 95 % av den norske kraftproduksjonen i dag, mens tidevann- og bølgekraft kan bli viktige i fremtiden. Hva er fordelene og ulempene med disse energikildene?[...]
Kjernekraft hevdes å være det mest effektive alternativet til de fossile brenslene, men risikoen knyttet til anleggene og avfallstoffene gjør at mange er skeptiske. Kan kjernekraften bli en trygg, alternativ energikilde?[...]
Biomasse finnes overalt på Jorden, og kan bli en viktig energikilde i mange land. Men bruken av den kan fort medføre andre problemer, særlig for verdens matproduksjon. Boken forklarer hvorfor.[...]
Olje, kull og gass er de tradisjonelle, fossile energikildene som hele verden har gjort seg avhengig av, men som både forskere og politikere ønsker vi skal bruke mye mindre av. Hvorfor?[...]
How has Jay-Z expanded his Roc Nation? This book looks at the life of Jay-Z, with a focus on how he became successful.[...]
You may be familiar with his music, but how much do you know about Jay-Z the businessman? Jay-Z rose from humble beginnings on the mean streets of New York to become the head of an enormous business empire. Discover how he became involved with the hip-hop scene, and why he decided to start his own r[...]
Read 'Animals in Danger in Europe' to learn about the animals struggling to survive on the Earth's second-smallest continent. Clear maps and a helpful classification chart make this title a great tool for learning about threatened and endangered animals in Europe.[...]
Read 'Animals in Danger in Australia' to learn about the animals struggling to survive on the Earth's smallest continent. Clear maps and a helpful classification chart make this title a great tool for learning about threatened and endangered animals in Australia.[...]
White Wolves are engaging books that children want to pick up, at a range of different reading levels. Eighteen exciting new titles reflect the range of non-fiction texts children will come across in the real world, from guidebooks to cookbooks. They are ideal for topic libraries, and for teachi[...]
Contains information about what you might encounter on a submarine adventure. This guide includes facts and tips about ocean habitats and the mysterious world deep beneath the surface of the ocean.[...]
White Wolves Non-fiction is an engaging series covering a wide range of topics at different reading levels. It has been created to appeal to children, reflecting the range of texts in the real world, from guidebooks to cookbooks. This series is ideal for topic libraries, and for teaching literacy [...]