Provides clinicians with a cognitive model applicable to all patients with schizophrenia and related disorders in order to aid the development of a formulation that will incorporate all relevant factors. The text illustrates the process of assessment, formulation and intervention and details potenti[...]
Are you troubled by hearing voices or seeing visions that others do not? Do you believe that other people are trying to harm you or control you? Do you feel that something odd is going on that you can't explain or that things are happening around you with a special meaning? Do you worry that other p[...]
This book will explain what madness is, to show that it can be understood in psychological terms, and that by studying it we can learn important insights about the normal mind. The book will argue that traditional approaches to madness must be abandoned in favour of a new approach which is more cons[...]
Why is the Western world's treatment of mental illness so flawed? Who really benefits from psychiatry? And why would a patient in Nigeria have a much greater chance of recovery than one in the UK? In "Doctoring the Mind", leading clinical psychologist Richard Bentall reveals the shocking truths behi[...]
Denne boken gir deg en steg-for-steg hjelp til å forstå dine problemer, den hjelper deg til positive forandringer og bidrar til bedring. Gjennom spørsmål og oppgaveark får du hjelp til å identifisere og se mønsteret i erfaringene dine. Du lærer hvordan du kan forandre tanker, følelser og at[...]
Traditionell västerländsk psykiatri vilar på en medicinsk modell. Den utgår ifrån att psykos är en biologisk hjärnsjukdom, vars viktigaste behandling är psykofarmaka.
I denna bok visar författaren med stöd av omfattande dokumentation från aktuell forskning att modellen är en m[...]