The textbook that develops the economic way of thinking through problems that MBA students will find relevant to their career goals. Theory and math is kept as simple as possible and illustrated with real-life scenarios. This textbook package includes online video tutorials on key concepts and compl[...]
Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies, And Other Pricing Puzzles unravels the pricing mysteries we encounter every day. Have you ever wondered why all movies, whether blockbusters or duds, have the same ticket prices? Why sometimes there are free lunches? Why so many prices end with "9"? Why ink c[...]
The updated and expanded 6th edition of this classic text continues the tradition of taking contrarian stands on important economic issues, bringing fresh insight to established economic concepts and principles and to many topics that are new to this edition.[...]
David Ramms arv är den andra av Dan Anderssons båda romaner. Vi möter David tillbaka i hans barndomsby men får också träffa honom i Amerika och i Stockholm där han möter sin stora kärlek Ziri. Han kämpar mot det vansinne som tagit hans släktingar. Han tänker, försöker nå den filosofis[...]