It's the hotly anticipated sequel to the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, WITHERING TIGHTS - laugh your tights off as Tallulah Casey and her bonkers mates return for a new term at Dother Hall performing arts college. Boys, snogging and bad acting guaranteed! Yaroooo! Tallulah's triumphant Heath[...]
The brilliantly funny third and fourth novels in the series 'Knocked out by my nunga-nungas' and Dancing in my nuddy pants', out now in gorgey new paperback omnibus edition by recent winner of the ROALD DAHL FUNNY PRIZE.[...]
Vi gick till Jennings och Tom var där - Jas blev nästan svimfärdig.
- Vilken skola går ni i? frågade Tom.
Jag skulle just svara när en Sexgud kom ut från de bakre regionerna.
Jag svär, han var så snygg att man bara gapade som en annan guldfisk. Han hade [...]
Jag lyckades övertala Jas att följa med mig till kyrkan för att tacka Gud för att han lät pappa attackeras av ett lömskt borrhål - så att vi slipper flytta - och gav mig Sexguden att leka med.
När jag kom fram satt Jas redan på muren utanför sitt hus, klädd i [...]
- Jas, Jas, min lilla ärthjärna, sa jag. Det var inte med AVSIKT jag hånglade med Dave, det var en olyckshändelse. Jag är tonåring och kan inte kontrollera vissa kroppsdelar.
- Som vilka då?
- Mina aladåber ... och på fiskpartyt med Dave började mina läppar pluta av sig själva.[...]
Där stod Sexguden i dörröppningen i sina coola svarta jeans och snygga T-shirt.
- Hej Georgia, hur är läget?
Bra fråga. Perfekt faktiskt. Jag visste svaret på den också, det var det som var så fantastiskt. Bra, hur är det själv? Tyvärr hade allt blod i min hjärna tagit semeste[...]
Georgia Niclosons värld är en brokig blandning av kompisar, killar, pinsamma föräldrar, knäppa lärare och nyfikna grannar. Och ingen slipper undan Georgias vassa penna. I den sjätte boken om Georgia får hon hänga med sin pappa till USA på bilmässa. Där hoppas hon få träffa sin nya kä[...]
Georgia Nicolson fortsätter att bekänna i sin dagbok Bra och rolig chiclit - en "Bridget Jones dagbok" för tonåringar! Det är hysteriskt roligt att läsa om alla galna händelser i Georgias tonårsvardag. Allt från problem med lösögonfransar och knäppa grannar till dödligt tråkiga tysklek[...]
Bioaktuella Georgia Nicolson fortsätter att bekänna! Skruvad brittisk chic-lit för tonåringar! Tre pojkvänner är lite mycket för vilken tjej som helst. Vare sig de är sexgudar tillbaka från Kiviland, italienska smöriga kärleksgudar eller helt vanliga kompiskyssare. Det är tur att Georgia[...]
It's the hotly anticipated sequel to the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, WITHERING TIGHTS - laugh your tights off as Tallulah Casey and her bonkers mates return for a new term at Dother Hall performing arts college. Boys, snogging and bad acting guaranteed! Yaroooo! Tallulah's triumphant Heath[...]
Brilliantly funny, teenage angst author Louise Rennison's fifth book about the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Louise is a star on the HarperCollins teenage list. 11.20 a.m. This is my fabulous life: the Sex God left for Whakatane last month and he has taken my heart with him. 11.[...]
Hilariously funny Louise Rennison's fabby sixth book of the confessions of crazy but lovable teenager Georgia Nicolson. Guaranteed to have the nation laughing their knickers off! "Come on, Jas, you do really want to know my plan, especially as it concerns you, my little hairy pally." "I'm not hairy.[...]
Brilliantly funny, teenage angst author Louise Rennison's first book about the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Now repackaged in a gorgeous new paperback and looking even fabber than ever. Louise is an international bestselling author and her books can't fail to make you laugh out[...]
Brilliantly funny, teenage angst author Louise Rennison's second book about the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Now repackaged in a gorgeous new paperback and looking even fabber than ever. Louise is an international bestselling author and her books can't fail to make you laugh ou[...]
Brilliantly funny, Louise Rennison's fabby third book on the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Now in gorgey new paperback and guaranteed to have the nation laughing their knickers off![...]
Brilliantly funny, Louise Rennison's fabby fourth book on the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Now in gorgey new paperback and guaranteed to have the nation laughing their knickers off![...]
Sound the Cosmic Horn! Bestselling author Louise Rennison's seventh book of the confessions of crazy but loveable teenager Georgia Nicolson is out in PB! Why did I admit I wanted Masimo to be my proper boyfriend? Why? * One minute he was snogging me, and then the next he was snogging Wet Lindsay, st[...]
Sound the Cosmic Horn! Georgia Nicolson's bestselling 8th book of confessions is now available in paperback! The original Sex God has re-landed, Masimo the Italian Stallion wants to be her boyfriend, and Dave the Laugh is still a regular snoggee. How will Georgia cope juggling all three boys of her [...]
Gives top tips on how to look cool and how not to behave if you want to hang on to your Sex God. This work presents authors' experiences as a girlfriend of a Sex God. It suggests that you need to keep you cool at all times, avoid looking like a prat whenever possible, and not spend your life in fool[...]
Sound the Cosmic Horn for bestselling author Louise Rennison's ninth book of the confessions of crazy but loveable teenager Georgia Nicolson! Now that Georgia has finally won over gorgey Masimo, the Italian Stallion, her old friend and lip-nibbling partner Dave the Laugh has popped up again. Will Ge[...]
Ohmygiddygodspyjamas! The tenth marvy book in the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson is here! Get ready to laugh like a loon on loon tablets. It's the FINAL instalment of Georgia's fab and hilarious diary! Does Georgia escape the cakeshop of luuurve? Can there be more heartbreaknosity in store? Will th[...]
The tights run wild and free in the hilarious new novel from the Queen of Comedy!
The tights run wild and free in this hilarious new novel from the Queen of Comedy!
The misadventures of Tallulah Casey... Hilarious new series from Queen of Teen - laugh your tights off at the (VERY) amateur dramatic antics of Talullah and her bonkers mates. Boys, snogging and bad acting guaranteed![...]